Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question and don't see an answer here, please Contact Us! We'll answer and update the Frequently Asked Questions as appropriate.
All - Everyone
chevron_rightHow can I stay in touch?
The Lake View Park Website: thelakeviewpark.orgThis Website is the primary way Lake View Park Homeowners can stay abreast of what is happening in the community and with the Commission.Please Register as a Homeowner or as a Registered Guest in order to stay in contact with the Lake View Park Community. The Owners Only section contains a lot of information including Announcements, Events, News, Message Board, Access to Newsletters and the Minutes of our Annual Homeowner's meeting.
Through the Website's Contact Us page you can reach any of the Lake View Park Commissioners easily whether you are a member, registered guest, or just a visitor with public access to the website.In addition to our website, the Commission uses one ther electronic methods to communicate with homeowners as described below. Note that both these methods are "opt-in". If you don't join we can't communicate with you. You may also contact any of the Commissioners (see Contact).NextDoor- a private social network for our neighborhood
A very active private social network with over 700 members has been established via NextDoor. If you own a home in Lake View Park we strongly encourage you to join. NextDoor features a map that can help you get to know who your neighbors are and methods to help you make contact with them. This information can be private for members of the community only. The Commission uses NextDoor to communicate urgent news affecting our neighborhood. Of course it is also used to report lost/found pets, wildlife sightings, recommendations for local service providers, etc. The Lake View Park Commission Secretary is a "Lead" for the neighborhood and can help you if you have any questions. -
chevron_rightIs Beaver Lake a public facility?
No. Beaver Lake and the surrounding property are privately owned by the residents of the Lake View Park neighborhood. Lake View Park residents pay fees annually for the upkeep of the lake and park, and we employ a warden to enforce our rules for safety and to facilitate the enjoyment of the lake and the park by our residents.
Non-residents are invited to use the facilities as long as all rules and restrictions are honored. Some activities require a permit and the fees from those permits help us maintain the lake and park. For more information, see Lake & Park information.We urge Non-resident users of the Park to register on our website as a Registered Guest. This will allow us to reach you with news about what is happening at Beaver Lake. We also hope to enable online purchasing of permits before January 2021!
chevron_rightWhat are Assessments?
The Lake View Park Commission is responsible for the upkeep of the common grounds including the Lake, Dam, Trails and Parkways. Assessments are essentially homeowner dues to ensure funds are available to maintain the common grounds.
Bills are mailed in December and are due by January 31st. A lien against the property is filed when assessments are not paid, after several reminders. When a homeowner becomes seriously delinquent on their assessments, the Lake View Park Commission will, if necessary, foreclose on a property to ensure the funds are available to maintain the our property for the benefit of all homeowners.Assessments in the Lake View Park community are currently still based on the language from the original deeds dating back to the 1920s or 1930s. In those deeds (which run with the land) the assessment fee was based on a rate per frontage foot. Here is a sample original deed.In 2020 the rate per frontage foot is $3.04. -
chevron_rightDo I have to pay my assessment even if I don't use the lake?
Yes. As per each property deed and the Lake View Park by-laws, it is the mandate of the Commission (the governing body) to collect assessments to adequately maintain the lake, dam, park and all other common property on behalf of property owners.
chevron_rightWhen is the homeowner's meeting?
The annual meeting for property owners is held during the month of October.
An announcement is mailed to each homeowner 30 days in advance of the meeting. -
chevron_rightDo I need permission to build?
Yes. You must have approval from the Commission for additions or renovations that expand the footprint of your home or the addition of garages or outbuildings.
Plans should be submitted to the Chair of the Commission by email, or by writing to us at our official PO Box:The Lake View Park Commission, Inc.
P. 0. Box 8332
Asheville, NC 28814Most plans can be approved if the set-backs are not violated and if the ultimate style and size is in keeping with your lot. -
chevron_rightWhat about city permits and ordinances?
Set-backs in Lake View Park are more restrictive than the City requirements and take precedence over City requirements. In general, the side set-back for lots with 100' or more of road frontage is 15' from the side property line. The side set-back for lots with less than 100', is 10' from the side property line. Front set-backs are generally 30' - 50' and vary by street throughout the neighborhood. As these requirements are not uniform throughout LVP, each home owner should consult the original deed and plat to their property for their specific set-backs and restrictions. In the absence of prescribed set-backs in the deed, the City requirement must be met.
chevron_rightWhy the original Deed?
Lake View Park original deeds (dating in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s) "run with the land" and therefore are applicable no matter how many times the property has transferred. If you are buying a property or planning alterations, you should be familiar with the property's original deed which can be found at the Buncombe County Court House or through investigation online.
chevron_rightWhat are Covenants?
Covenants are the restrictions of the property which are contained in the original deeds.Importantly, you must know that the Covenants of Lake View Park Deeds forbid use of a home for anything other than single family usage. Long term rentals are allowed, however short term rentals (Hotels, B&B, Air Bnb, VBRO, etc) are forbidden. The Lake View Park Commission will enforce the Covenants when complaints are received.In addition, the Covenants forbid usage of any home as a group home.
chevron_rightCan I subdivide my lot?
Subdividing of a platted lot in Lake View Park is not permitted.